Interior Decorator/Destroyer

Blog #1 by Elle

I came into my room to give Punky fresh water, a salad, and pellets like I normally do, but to my surprise, Punky, my sweet little girl decided that she would rearrange her entire cage. I guess she was in the mood to re-decorate. Her hutch was broken. Somehow her litter box was in the middle of her cage. She had destroyed the bottom of her cage and her pen. She even dumped all of her bowls upside down. I was disappointed but also amazed and wondered how in the world did she do all of that overnight! But I couldn’t stay mad at her bc she is so darn cute. She came up to me like always like nothing ever happened. She stared at me blankly so I gave her food. Needless to say, I had a lot of cleaning to do.

Helpful Tips

  1. Make sure your water bowls are slanted so your bunny can’t tip them over (or get a very heavy bowl. If you don’t you're going to have some problems)

  2. Make sure your rabbit has enough toys at night so they are entertained. Remember, bunnies are mostly awake at nighttime. If not, your bun will send you a message the next morning.


Milk Coma


Bald Bunny!!!!!